Oct 25, 2007

لساني صارم لا عيب فيه وبحري لا تكدره الدلاء

هو ود هاف ثوت آي ود هاف أن أربك تايتل؟
But, I really liked this line from a poem we took in class. No reason not to have it as a title since soemtimes my titles aren't related to my post. Most of them are lyrics from whichever song I'm listening to while typing in the title bar;p


These are fun! Thanks, Chika;*

Your Aura is Blue

Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.

The purpose of your life: showing love to other people

Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah

Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor

Me? A psychic? A counselor? Ha! I don't think so!


While discussing the situation in the country with the Buhras, A shared some of the... How do I put it? Ridiculous theories? Disrespectful opinions? I don't know. Here's a funny theory:
America sent the Buhras to distort Islam.
Here's a question:
How would they, the people who come up with such ideas, feel if their religion was unaccepted, disrespected, and discussed like a disease in the country they work in?
After all, we are the reason they are here.. We let them in!
[UPDATE]: My argument is, why do we get upset when our religions are disrespected elsewhere, but feel fine when it's not happening to us?
A fellow blogger's post on the same topic:
Click here.


Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

نحن لا نعرف ماذا نريد

كل واحد ينعق باتجاه معاكس عن الىخرين

Soud said...

عجبنى التوبك

حريه الاديان مكفوله للناس

لكن المشكله ان فى ناس ما يتقبلون اى راى او فكر او معتقد يخالف رايهم

Amethyst said...

kila ma6goog
True. Sometimes our goal is one, but we view the way of reaching that goal differently. We all want the best for our country, but what is the best to me might not be the best to you:)

Exactly. They should try putting themselves in that situation. It'll make them more open to others.

Anonymous said...

You'r right .. the country shall held the reponsibility for who ever or wat ever we let it in!

Amethyst said...

But it doesn't:)

Anonymous said...

you see, that's why I tend to avoid Religion bel posts - too much mess will happen... all we need to do is RESPECT other religions, the 3 ones ONLY o BAS!

Amethyst said...

I try to avoid religion and politics, but hal mawtho3 ba6 chabdi.. I couldn't resist ranting about it;p

I try to respect all religions, not only the 3:)