Oct 14, 2007

Well, I'm sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee.

I think I have a light case of OCD. Whenever I listen to "Numb" by Linkin Park, I have to listen to "Breakdown" by Chris Daughtry right after it. Weird?


J got a kitten. She won't give us the satisfaction of knowing whether or not that kitten is male/female. Or both (I'm reading Middlesex). Here are the pictures:


If you are hungry, do not watch this movie.


I've been told I look like Kristen Bell. Especially in this specific picture. I'll add her to my "I Don't Look Like Her" list:)


I miss morning coffee.


Time for a little bit of Randomania (as if this whole post wasn't random enough).

In defense of literature: It's not easy, it's demanding. It's not shallow, it's deeper than the ocean. It's not boring, it's creative. It's not just literature, it's the world in words.

I should brush my hair.

I wonder if I will be able to drive from Shuwaikh to home on Thursday. (For those of you who don't know, I have NO sense of direction. How bad is it? It took me eight days to know the way from home to college, which is around fifteen minutes away driving on the right lane.)

Someone owes me a CD of strange music.

I love my life. I love Poshlust. I love my mom. I love smiling.



Anonymous said...

owwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! CUUUUUUUUUTE! I think a boy :)

Owwwwwwww! :* :* :*

I wanna watch the movie too!

I don't like Literature :/

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

سلمى توها هابة بحب القطاوة

مأذيتني على هالسالفة كوني لا احب الحيوانات

بالنسبة للطريق

ضيعي مرة و بعدها غصبا عليج تدلين الطريج تمام

Unknown said...

That is one cute kitten!

Anonymous said...

she will be ugly when she grows up!
take as much pictures as you can ;p

Ghalia said...

and you love meeeeeeeee!!

Amethyst said...

Why not?

kila ma6goog
Salma deserves a cat.

I got lost a couple of times. Still no use:)

J is proud:)

blue dress
The kitten won't be ugly in J's eyes no matter what.

Unfortunately, I do love you hun;*

Anonymous said...

i love Breakdown by Chris Daughtry... and i love Literature *wiggles eyebrows*

Unknown said...

LOL 3awash ;p you dont look like that lady ;p ..

And I'm not a big fan of literature bas I appreciate it ;p .. and I also appreciate sophisticated vocabulary ;p which i see that ur using on here! so i applaud you for that ;p !

haj said...

Chester :D:D i LOVE my kitttyy! he/she is the best thing in my life right now. I simply ADORE him/her.

But i don't wana check the gender ... asti7ee:$ .. teeheee!!!!

Amethyst said...

Rock on!

Thank you. *takes a bow*

Lol! Haj! You better do it soon! I wanna know! You know I like having my own name for things. Remember The White Guy? Give me that privilege back!

Anonymous said...

poshlust!! i enjoy reading your blog :P its so down to earth ! i love how you write like you talk! :P lool (that's a good thing btw!)

i just want to thank you for defending literature!!! i hate ir when people go on saying how is insignificant, and how any one can write an essay in half an hour!!! that ticks me off :P lool

anywho keep writing ;)