Jul 14, 2008


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net


Now, I know why I can't concentrate enough to blog... BECAUSE I CAN'T CONCENTRATE ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT!;O

Snippets, and I'll leave the commenting to you:

I fell this morning because I forgot that there were steps.

At an attempt to refill my bottle with water from the fountain, I dropped my phone, then poured water all over the floor, my phone's shattered pieces, and my friend's head and arm, unintentionally because I forgot for a moment that the bottle was in my hand.

Mom: Pass the salt.
Me: Mu yami..
Mom: Amethyst, pass the salt, kaho jedamech!
Me: Mako salt!
Me: Wain salt?! Mashoof salt!
*Mom stares at me blankly*
*I stare at the table before me and realize that the salt is RIGHT in front of me.*

Bro: I waited for you, so we could eat together.
Me: I'm not eating, now.
Bro: Yeah, but I waited.
Me: For what?
Bro: For you to come home, so we could eat together.
Me: Why would we eat together?
Bro: Because we both didn't have lunch?
Me: Yeah, but you have lunch at one.
Bro: Amethyst, I didn't eat at one, so I could eat with you.
Me: Yeah, but why are you eating twice?

While driving, I realized that I was singing something different to what was playing because I thought it was the song that was playing.

After being very late to class, I noticed that I left my book in the car that I just came from.

I'm oversleeping everday, but when I look at the time and panic, I get out of bed from the other end: not the sides, the end opposite to the pillows.

Mixing up names of people I see daily multiple times in one utterance!

I think I need a chill pill..


do0da said...

u need a vacation :P how long til classes are over ?

Amethyst said...

Trust me, I know!

Summer course is done on the fifth, and I'm leaving on the eighth!;p

do0da said...

o so finals are just round the corner :P GL with that id save up wat evers left of ur concentration for them if i were u :p

Eulalia said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! umbay..umbay 6'a7akteeeni!

Amethyst said...

Lol, surprisingly I'm convinced that this is a phase that will pass before finals happen;p

Hehe, you're not supposed to laugh!;$

The Archer said...

Salaaamtich Ame's!

If it makes you feel any better.. I tripped today when I was getting some papers signed at customs. :p~ Luckily, no one was there.

I haven't been able to concentrate either.. maybe it's the weather. Or something in the water in the department.. I don't know. But something is definitely off..

My last final is in 20 days inshallah, and I'm freaking out as usual. [August 3rd]

Amethyst said...

The Archer
Allah ysalmek:)

Hehe, that won't make me feel better!

I think it's stress. It's a shitty life at times.

Why am I not surprised?

haj said...

Those are all signs you need a break ...

I suggest you take one!!!! ;p

Amethyst said...

I can't. Too many deadlines;\

Jawa said...

minzman ma tha7akt this much :P
i suggest enich etro7en spa time for an entire day!

Amethyst said...

Lol, la teth7ekoun 3alay!

I suggest I go to Spa Time for an entire day when I finish all the work I have to do;p

Anonymous said...

Summer classes can do this to people @@
I hope you get better soon :)

Amethyst said...

It's a combination of summer course and other crap;p


in my choos said...

LOL! x cute, but tomorrow is a new day!



Amethyst said...

in my choos
As always..

eshda3wa said...

u definitly need a vacation

some yoga too

Amethyst said...

Next month:)

Anonymous said...


Im soooorry babe ma gedart

You're thinking too much mo5ech fee wayed ashyaaa stop thinking too much and use an umbrella or something get out off the sun pronto

frogman said...

i think you just need two days of NO human interaction, a good book, lots of sleep and your biological and logical clocks will be in sync again...

any problems call 1-800-frogs-4-sync

Shwaish said...

loooooooooooooooool! that was absurdly cute hehe maybe KU and KU?Keifan summer is finally taking its toll on u *shudders at the memories*

Big Pearls said...

loool omg..it's getting freaky!:p

Anonymous said...

Someone needs a long vacay! :)

Amethyst said...


An umbrella to shield me from my thoughts. Intruiging.

That's quite unlikely. It can't happen. A two day break means not working, and not working means I fail my classes.

So, now I need a hotline?

But I love the department.


Big Pearls

Yeah, soon:)

Shwaish said...

i did too not in the summer tho! 8 oclock classes with buresly! MY 9IJ!

Amethyst said...

Never took anything with him, I hear he's good but boring.. So, I bet kamaltay noumtech;p