May 10, 2008


A few nights ago, I went to a dinner I was invited to. I decided to be observant. I was tired, and being quiet and reflective wasn't a challenge. I took on the role of Nick Carraway in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
That was fun. Really. How people look at other people. How they smile at each other. How they eat, punishing their food for what other people are saying. Strange. Everything changes when you withdraw and look at the scenario as a member of the audience. A person who is watching a "slice of life."


Is any girl reading this an only daughter? Do you get dragged to social events? Forced to attend 3azayem? Have your outfits been checked and double-checked? Your make up and hair scrutinized? Please say yes. Otherwise, blekh!


More pictures that express how I feel. I'm doing this because I don't think I'm willing to find words to describe what's going on inside.


I cried last night. My silent tears soon turned into loud muffled sobs. I cried with my whole body. I cried so physically hard, it took me two hours to muster enough energy to get out of bed.

I have a migraine.

Don't ask what happened. Don't expect much the next few days. I'm at complete loss for words.


zwena said...


zwena said...

ee r u an only child? :P

Coconut said...

im nut the only gurl in the family, but im the eldest daughter.. and yes i do get dragged to gatherings, parties and weddings, and i absolutely hate it! HATE it! (it's normal, mothers want to see their daughter getting married lol) <-- thats why i think im being dragged and nagged about going to those silly little gatherings.
ARRGHHH the frustration of being luked at like an animaal they wanted to mate so that the breeding could start. efff!

Amethyst said...

No, I have two brothers:)

Awful, isn't it? Especially when it's people you wouldn't be bothered about..

AnGeL said...

i'm writing this now with my hair wet and trying to figure out what to do with my hair for a wedding i have no idea why i'm going to....come to think of it..i don't know the names of those getting married :p talk about social punishment...

Amethyst said...

Social punishment it is!

Moniker said...

i'm an only girl. argh.
bs omy ma t7b 3zayim, so i don't have to worry about being forced to attend those. bil yallah she goes herself :D
but yes..she scrutinizes every little move i make. -_-

people watching is my favorite sport :p

The Archer said...

Allah y3eenkom!

Guys get ready in 10-15 minutes, tops!

Shower, put on a Dishdasha, pop a piece of gum in your mouth, and you're ready to go!

But with girls... it's like painting a work of art! It takes forever.. I applaud your courage and spunk! ;)

And Amethyst.. *hug* :)

Anonymous said...

7abeebti .. * hug *

wats wrong !!

I am an only doughter taqreban .. and Yes I've been forced to do soo many things ! and It sucks big time ! I know :(

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

عسى ما شر؟

Bulletii said...


F. said...

"I hope everything's okay" is what I wanted to say...

But I'm sure it's not, and that's why your post is what it is...

I shall now change my sentence slightly:

I hope things get better soon


PS: There's an androgenous painting among those...sexiness ;P

Unknown said...

A good cry is therapeutic once in a while. I hope you feel much better dear :)

Amethyst said...

Luck you!

It's so interesting!

The Archer
Men should applaud women for as long as they breathe..



What's wrong? It's a cruel cruel world..

I know;\

Kila Ma6goog
Life's a bitch:)


I hope things get better soon, as well;*

Sexiness it is;p

I will sometime soon, hopefully. Screw migranes!

Manutdfanatic said...

Two brothers? Let me guess; you're in the middle?

Oddly, I don't get dragged too much, my parents are a tad different that way, or perhaps it is the fact that I simply cannot say no to my father; it is impossible, you have to understand when a man smiles ever so sweetly at you and requests, actually requests you to accompany him/them.

I relate to the crying bit in ways and on levels words cannot express. When I wake up after a night like that, the first phrase that leers in my mind can things taste, actually taste...of grief?

I do hope you feel better. *hug*

Amethyst said...

Yeah, how'd you guess?

I get dragged like I'm their purse/wallet:)

How do things taste like grief? After a night like that, the world is grief. Everything is pain.

Thank you. *hug*

Manutdfanatic said...

I guessed because I'm the middle bit too; one brother on either side. *knowing smile*

The world does become grief, but usually as the day passes, it gets better...the tears do help. I feel like a night like that right now actually...


Anonymous said...

be positive.. things will work just fine, i have faith in you.

Anonymous said...

Its gonna be alright....
'Tears are the summer showers to the soul.'

Big Pearls said...

oooh sweety, I really hope you feel better soon:/

Silver said...

Cry your heart out babe, sometimes a girl just needs to let it out...and it's good for you.

Amethyst said...

Great. We can relate:)

Tears don't seem to help this time..

I have faith in you.


They are?

Big Pearls
I hope so, too:)

I will whenever I feel like I can.

haj said...

The last painting, I think i know what it's about but I don't know to describe it. It reminded me of you... it's sad.
I'm sad for you, I dono what to say to make you feel better cuz I know nothing is gona help. I feel like a bad friend ;/

Just know that I love you, I'll always be here for you and I know the butterfly inside of you will start soaring high again;*

Amethyst said...

At least the lady in the last painting has her wings spread;)

You shouldn't feel like a bad friend, darling. There's nothing I can do to help myself. It'll be over sooner or later. I prefer sooner:)

I know. I love you more. And I promise you I will. No disappointments there;*

asameee said...

Although Im not an only daughter, this is what society has morphed into. People eyeing everything you wear from jewelery to clothes and shoes.. Its sad when materials become the only thing people observe, but take it easy. Be greatful that you're as great as you are to notice how pathetic they are! : )

ps. sorry i deleted your comment coz i had to delete that post because i wasn't sure of part of the 7adeeth, BUT i did post another nice story I promise you'll like.

Enjoy and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I love the Great Gatsby... one of my favorite books... and movies...

Im not an only daughter... but Im the eldest... so yeah.. I FEEL YOU!!
I get dragged everywhere... and my make up and/or hair are never perfect... everyone might like it except for my mother... and my outfits - to my mother - always make me look fat.. HUH!!!

Crying is good... I feel it gets all the negativity out of your system... even if you wake up with a migrane later...

Amethyst said...

I'm very thankful:)

Will check it out;p

Hamitaf La B.
Me, too! I love how everythig is from Nick's perspective!

Yeah, it's a mom thing. My mom literally scrutinizes everything AFTER she picks the outfit and all that!

It should. Migranes suck though;\

Anonymous said...

Yes, im an only daughter and it happens all the freakin time! I'm being sent to finishing school -_-

I cried last night too *hugggg*

Amethyst said...

My mom is into that as well;\

Life's tough;(


~ Dreamzy ~ said...

wow !! :( so true horrible it is to be dragged everywhere! especially if mother doesnt go to most of them because of religious reasons. Its more embarrassing to have to explain your self your situation and family history of why isnt my sister attending and why isn't my mother there.

Thats worst than all. Forced to go somewhere were you dont care about the people .. all alone.

It brings tears to my eyes every-time i remember checking with the entire family if anyone has an extra space in their car to pick me up with them.
ugh how much i hate that.

and i dont think it ends when ur married; coz i still see it happening!

Amethyst said...

That's awful! You go alone to people you don't care about?! I'd rather be shot in the head;\

I'm going to use my husband as an excuse;)

eshda3wa said...


tawich kintay happy eshzenich!

Amethyst said...

Meta tawni?:)

Anonymous said...

what happened?

Amethyst said...

Nothing I can talk about. That's why I asked you guys not to ask what happened.

Bulletii said...

Amethyst.. are you ok now? Ana a7ateech. I hope you're ok.

Amethyst said...

La et7ati. I'll be over it. Soon:)

Glitter said...

Oh 7beebti 7abeeeeebti

whatever it is, time heals everything..

وما بعد الضيق إلا الفرج

Anonymous said...

"Do you get dragged to social events? Forced to attend 3azayem? Have your outfits been checked and double-checked? Your make up and hair scrutinized?"

Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes!! I feel you ... I swear!!

Amethyst said...


Time heals everything that was once there. It doesn't heal something that will stick with you for life.
