Nov 29, 2007

*مَــنْ ذا يــكـافـئُ زهـرةً فـواحـةً ؟

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @
Yesterday, my uncle suggested I marry a rich Shari3a graduate. Funny? Is his wealth going to make him more acceptable ya3ni or what?! I was too shocked to say anything, so I stared back.
The marriage topic is pissing me off more and more. I'm only 18, people. This is too personal for YOU to come and talk to me about. What makes you think you have the right to point out eligible men or send them over? "Don't you want to make your parents happy?", you say. What makes you think I haven't settled this with my parents? Why are you so into this? It's none of your business! How does it affect you?!
Maybe I don't want to get married through the arranged marriages carnival. Maybe I have my mind set on career. Maybe I'm scared of committment. Maybe I don't want to get married at all. Maybe, maybe, maybe.. How would YOU know? You're not my parents. You're not even my friends. Laish el legafa elzayda? Shtaboun? :@
Elegies are not 7aram. Why are people making up stuff 3ala kaifhum? They think it's religious to make up new 7arams and 7alals. That's godlike, and IT'S NOT OKAY. I've never come across anything that says that we shouldn't read elegies. Nothing which says that if we do, we won't smell ree7at eljanna or viciously burn in hell. Why talk when you have no evidence to support your argument? STOP PRETENDING TO BE RELIGIOUSLY PERFECT. There is always room for spiritual advancement. I pity you!
Same note, a girl mentioned that reading The Witch of Portobello will "ydakhel 3alaich shubhat". Excuse me? No, wait! EXCUSE ME?! She hasn't read the story. Imagine that. If her faith isn't strong enough to handle such stories, then she should stay away from them. That doesn't mean other people should ditch them, too. My faith is strong enough not to be shaken by anything I don't want it to be shaken by. It's all in my hands. Why is she so concerned about my faith? If you wish to advise me, don't speak nonsense. Present something solid enough to convince me (or at least enough to convince an idiot) or LEAVE ME ALONE!
Why do I attract such people? ;\
*"Kun Balsaman", Elyah Abu Mathi

Nov 28, 2007

A virgin tragedy, an orphan Muse

Okay. I decided to finally explain why I've stopped watching TV. I'm hoping this is enough to stop people gasping at my TV resistence.
Yesterday, my best friend's sister was interviewed live on a show. Before she came on, the two presenters were interviewing an old man on a universal organization's goals etc. The interviewed man was reading off cards, mumbling, monotonous, and had this strange sneer/smirk on his face the whole time! Please pretend you're a professional representative of this well-known organization! PLEASE! Oh, and the presenters looked bored. Could you at least pretend to listen to the guy? Nod, do anything! Don't stare at your shoes and fix your hair!
They had a survey on men and shopping. Women were portrayed (by men and women) as shopaholics who do nothing but pull their husbands with them to shopping sprees and spend their money. Shda3wa? Not one person thought there's one man out there who enjoys shopping? Not one person said women are reasonable? How about shopping for things other than clothes and shoes? Books? Movies? Toys? Anything? ;\
The last time I cam across something on TV was a Khaleeji series. It was the last episode. In exactly two minutes the following happens:
Brother presents medical report from hospital to sister's husband that proves sister's ability to conceive babies. Husband realizes that he can't have kids. Wife finds out that husband has a second wife. Husband is shocked because his second wife told him she is pregnant. Wife confesses to brother that she gave her husband all her wealth/properties. Brother threatens husband that he will kill him if he doesn't give back everything he took. Husband tells them that he gave everything to second wife.
Wow? I'm not interested anymore. Not in talk shows, not in series, not in game shows, not in reality TV, etc. Khalas people, I'd rather read and pop in DVDs once in a while.

WARNING: This might spoil your breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Nov 27, 2007

Heaven only knows what's hidden up his sleeve..

I'm feeling a bit down. I need tissues for my issues (as Bebe would put it). So, I decided to post something humorous and light-hearted.
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @
More of Dr. Ya3youni
prespective -> perspective
doministration -> demonstration
die-lema -> dilemma
Westren -> Western
Arab womans -> Arab women
habben -> happen
"He want to revenge on her"
"...changing the according of politics to map-makers..."
I'm loving this song today. I listened to it around four times. I love the clip. He's very creative. Thanks, Sou;*

[UPDATE] I just updated my library, and the quote of the month for next month is early. If you know me personally, you can ask politely if you would like to borrow anything from my dear shelves.

Nov 25, 2007


I hate being kept in the dark. I have the right to know major events in the lives of the people I love more than myself. If I've done so much for you, why not tell me what's happening with you? Yes, even if it's tragic. Is it too much to ask? I can't believe you think it's fair. How is it fair? You did it once, and I explained to you that it hurts. Why do it again? Why do I have to be the last to know? You're not even telling me yourself. Were you planning to simply leave? I'm sorry you feel like I can't handle this. I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry I believe in you this much. I didn't expect this. I feel betrayed. You betrayed me. Does it hurt? Because you really did. You betrayed me.
Do you think I have a problem with God's will? I'm not an infidel, you know. I accept fate. I don't accept negative things chosen by us. I can handle anything and everything when it comes to you. I can handle it better when I'm told of its progress. Told by you and not someone else. You shock me into this and you expect me to handle it perfectly? How is that a logical expectation? I'm not saying this to your face because I did that already several months ago. I'm disappointed in you, and it doesn't feel good.
Don't apologize when you know you're going to do it again. I had my hopes up real high after last time this happened. I don't love you like before. It's all different now. Isn't it?
I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue.
P.S. If it makes you feel better, I still think it's worth it:)

Nov 24, 2007


I'm back. It was painful. A spiritual nothing. Still thankful.
This is another why, people. Why do people feel the need to draw people into their beliefs, values, system of thinking, their idea of right and wrong, etc? I have my own set of sub-faiths that make up my bigger faith which includes morality, religion, spirituality, etc. There are things I am not ashamed of, but I'd rather not discuss. For example, I do not believe that talking about religion/spirituality is fruitful.
Sometimes, I express certain spiritual points to prove a point. I find that people are curious to know more. When I avoid saying more than needed to prove my point, I get the strangest reactions. On the plane earlier today, I was reading the newspaper. My two friends were discussing the college elections with a girl (stranger to me, friend to them). The girl asked me why I'm not discussing the topic with them. I told her I just don't believe that I should try and convince you to vote for a certain group. If you didn't vote at all, I would convince you to vote. However, I would never try and convince you to vote for the people I vote for. After that, I avoided a religious discussion. Later, she told my two friends that she didn't like me because I'm not social, lack faith and personality, and look down on people. Wow?
I feel like for people to genuinely support an idea, set of morals, a religion, and so forth, it should come from inside. They should look into it themselves, think it through, apply it to their life, and decide. There is nothing out there that I would support merely because someone told me all its positives. I think that before anything is supported, we should attack it from all side to make sure it stands alone as a pillar of truth.
Again, why do people feel the need to impose everything on everyone so strongly? Why are you an introverted arrogant person if you refuse to discuss certain topics? Why is everything such a show for people to judge? Why?!
It's your choice whether or not you want to see these questions as rhetorical.
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Nov 19, 2007

Spiritual Advancement?

On break until Saturday:)

P.S. The "We" stands for Poshlust (2000 hits!) and myself.

Nov 17, 2007

Il Penseroso

I wake in the other morning, and I start thinking. I don't know when I get into this mood if my thoughts/internal discussions are ridiculous or deep. So, this is one of those mornings when I go into a trance and think weird stuff.

How do you know that red to other people is the red you see? I mean: I can see the color red, and I call it red. Other people's red could be different from mine. Their red could be my green. So, how come we are so sure that we all see the same colors and call them the same names?

Nov 16, 2007


I hate the 13-16 year old phase of teenage boys;\ It kills me! I love my brother. We have a lot of fun together. He's the sweetest thing in the house. Some days, he is too blekh to handle! To a suicidal degree!


My jam3a buddies have never seen me in a bad mood. I wonder if it'll scare them? F came up with a hot name for my evil side: Satanicia De Vill. *wiggles eyebrows*


My mom is going overboard with feeding us. I really am wondering why I'm not fat. The good food in our house is very abundant. These are photos of last night's dinner:


I couldn't make it to the demonstration against censorship at the Mishref Fairgrounds;(



That cake was a taste from heaven. I took the rest home. Muffy, I hate you! I'm going to get all fat;(

Love HAJS+C;*


I had a very crazy day yesterday. So, I'm posting about it and what I think about the experiences I went through. Warning: Long boring post.
I drove to Kaifan for my 8am class. I attended a 9am class as a listener because I never finished The Turn of The Screw as a kid. I got too scared. At 10am, I started studying for an 11am quiz. I finished at 10:40. I drove to Shuwaikh for my quiz. I walked through the class door at 11:02. I finished the quiz and drove home. I got there at 11:36. I washed, prayed, and changed to go to my younger brother's school for Parent's Meetings. My older brother drove, and we got there at 12:30. We divided the teachers between us and split. We finished at 3:10. We reached home at 3:35. I had lunch (or something close). I checked my e-mail, read a little, and at 6:00 headed to the annual book exhibition. I came back home at 11:00. I flopped onto the bed.


I can never turn my parents down when it comes to my younger brother's future. I never say no. Never. I hardly use that word. I went to the meetings yesterday. You write your name on a list by the teacher's door, AND WAIT. When your turn comes, your name will be called, and you will be invited in by the teacher. Respect the rules, people! Parents sign up and walk away. Their name gets called when they aren't around, and they get upset when it's crossed off. What the hell?! Just sit and wait like the rest of us! If you walk away, you know you're risking the chance of being crossed of the list. Why yell and make a scene? We're all tired. We're all waiting. Be nice!

The annual book exhibition was a GREAT disappointed. I've made it a habit to go every year. Every year, they announce that there are a gazillion new books. You go only to discover that the new books are about cooking, magic, kid's stories, religion, etc. It's very disappointing. Yesterday, I came across a couple of book shops which sell English books. They only sell classics and academic books. It's a shame. There is no variety. I only bought one book: Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes. I went with a list of books to only cross one out. I feel deprived. I'm not angry. I'm frustrated.
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Nov 14, 2007

The Kaifan Duwaniya

First off, a HUGE thank you to my Jam3a Buddies (yes, that's what I call you guys;p) for being nice to H, from HAJS. We had a lot of fun, no spoilers. Wallah you guys are amazing. 7ada you make jam3a life so much more schezam. I love you all. Ok, not all, but you know whether or not I love you and how much;p.. Hehe, a7ebkuuuuuum;**.. A few shoutouts:
Sou: It was great seeing you today:)
F: Lol, I keep remembering Elmo and laughing;p
K: You can't play without me;) I kill you:\
FJ: Shake the can;p
M: Elgebaaayel;D
I: You're my sweetheart;*
D: Thanks for the doughnut ride;*
H: I'm not half;p
A: Don't steal and eat doughnuts :\
S: Hit H mercilessly with Dana's stick! You have me as back up. That doesn't reassure you, does it?;p
For those of you whom I didn't mention, you simply didn't come to mind. Oh, and I wonder if my stalker will ever come across this. In case s/he does: STOP FREAKING ME OUT :\
H, I'm glad you enjoyed. 7ayach allah every week;p Hehe, I love you more than all of them;*
J, 7ada 6afich ;\

Now, onto more serious steamy issues. Steamy as in angering, not juicy. Imagine this:
I'm sitting in my linguistic class, and the professor brings up the topic of... Sexist Language! I raise my hand and tell him that we have not really taken all our rights in the English language. Not in my point of view, anyway. So, I trigger a discussion. One girl says that women have taken more than their deserved rights and that men should ask them for their rights since they now have everything they need and more! Grrrr! I raise my hand. I ask her what rights do we have that men don't have? :@ I'm all angry, and I give her a very threatning look.
I know, I know! I should keep an open mind. I should respect everyone's opinions. I know! I just can't in this topic. I feel betrayed! Mn Seji! I don't mind men attacking women's rights, etc. I don't hate men. Male chauvinists piss me off, but not a lot, because I am the female version of them. But women who see themselves as undeserving of equality and inferior to men really offend me. Yes, I feel offended, insulted, shocked, you name it!
As a woman, I feel like it is my duty to respect myself for being a woman. That's enough reason for me to respect myself. Why see myself as inferior to men, when I can see myself as an equal? Why not ask for what I don't have? Why not speak in the favor of my gender? I understand that sometimes women can be stupid, but so can men!
Khalas, I'm going to stop. I need to control myself. I don't need anger management. I won't cross the line. Deep breaths. I'm actually meditating. I'm looking at a spot on the wall and breathing in and out.
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Nov 12, 2007


Yes, kaify! I love random titles. I love my titles. Most of the time, they have nothing to do with my post. Stop complaining. It's unique, and it's fun. This is my blog. I can do whatever I want. *wiggles eyebrows*
For those who said they haven't seen "Achmed The Dead Terrorist" and shocked me this morning, this is him!


An update on Dr. Ya 3youni, as Sou likes to call her.

"He rejection this kind of language."

"Yeast" -> William Butler YEATS!

"What is Irishness? How to be Irishness?"

"Will you going to be angry?"


I have a friend. I have lots of friends, but this particular friend does a very amusing thing. I want him/her to remain anonymous so that people in our department will continue being the source of my amusement unknowingly. Yes, I'm evil when it comes to laughing at people. Kaify! S/he stands while we are hanging out at university and addresses every individual on how ugly they are or something of that sort. For example, "You are ugly. Ugly I say! Put some make up on and brush your hair before coming here, for God's sake...". S/he goes on for as long as possible. It's funny how people don't listen. They have no idea that someone is bitching about them. Wait, no.. S/he is actually bitching to them;p! It's fun. It's like watching a show where a character is standing in the foreground talking about other characters in the background. To my friend, thank you for making the hangout so much fun. *evil laugh*

Nov 10, 2007

Strange World

So, the other day I was sitting in a gathering which included my aunties, their cousins, and family friends. I was half-listening. I wasn't interested in other people's crap. I'm a woman. I love gossip, but only when it's about someone who directly affects my life. My mom nudged me, so I listened.

They were talking about this lady (I know her personally). She's one of those very social, always kashkha, always in heels even if they make her wobble ladies. Anyway, her son divorced his wife a couple of years ago. He has a few kids. I can't remember how many. Their mother doesn't want them around. He fell for this girl. The girl is known to be a witch (replace the "w" with a "b"). His mom kept asking him whether or not he was involved with her because she heard rumors. Nosy ladies were telling her that it was true. Her son denied everything. A couple of months later, he married the girl. His mother disowned him. No inheritance. Nothing. I can see why it would be interesting to some people, but I wasn't interested because I don't give two shits what happens with them. The guy isn't my cousin. The girl isn't my friend. The lady is just there. The ladies at the gathering get a first hand account of the story from the lady.

The ladies at the gathering were gasping and exclaiming on how guilty and shameful the son must be for embarrassing his mother? WTF?! The lady brought the embarrassment to herself! I mean, she could've minimized the effect of the story by at least ten times. She could have ignored the rumors and pretend that she wasn't bothered by them. She could have kept the confrontations she had with her son private. She could have pretended to be okay with her son marrying that girl. The disowning and all that could have stayed private. Why did this lady have to go and tell and retell the story to all her friends? Why did she have to tell everyone about disowning her son? I say it's all her fault. She brought all the attention to herself. She encouraged people to talk about this sad story. Her son married a girl he loves. Try and accept it instead of showing the public how negative it is! Shame on you, lady. Shame.

I said all of this to my mom. She didn't completely agree. I asked her why she nudged me. Why did she want me to listen to the story? She said it was so I would understand that the world is strange. Yes, but the question is: Could get any stranger? A lady is advertising the shame of her family for people to discuss. Could it get any stranger? This just doesn't make sense to me.

Nov 9, 2007

Chester & The Lamp


Remember J's cute kitten, Chester?

We all thought that he's a he, but he's a she. J wants to pretend that she never found out that Chester is actually a female. I want to do that, too;\

We decided to conitnue calling her Chester. I still love her. I want her to be a boy, but that won't happen. Now, we are HAJS+C because Chester is officially part of us. She's going to be at every gathering.


This is one hell of a story. I was hanging out with friends at college, and F was telling stories of stupid deaths. A guy actually died because he was standing on a moving car. He fell off the car when they encountered a speed bump. Stupid? Allah yer7ema. Anyway, we are discussing the stories when suddenly.. The lampost right in front of us falls over!!! Just like that. Seriously, wtf?! I mean, what if someone was sitting under that lampost. It was a very comic scene. Here's a photo of the suicidal lampost.

Thanks, F:)


I feel like coffee ice cream. I wanted Chester to spend the night. I love HAJS+C. I treat Poshlust like it's my baby. I repect my parents. I'm smiling.

Nov 7, 2007

I feel humorous, frustrated, random, and challenged.

People, I'm officially addicted to these comics! Do you find them funny?
Okay, an update of the strange language of the sweetest professor I have:
1. "They put him in the etc."
In the what?!
2. "He killed him you know, etc."
No, we don't know! Grrr!
3. "We say 'both' when we have two things."
Really? This is my second year in college, I'm in an English Literature major, and I did not know that! *pouts* I'm offended!
4. "So they look at him monster you know who."
Umm.. wtf?!
5. Coat = Quote
No comment
6. "What do we find there else?"
We find you taking English classes?
7. "He makes the Arabs killed."
Makes them killed? I want to make me killed!
8. Reemond = Raymond + Meursalt = Mozart
*pretends not to notice*
9. Bullis = Bullets
Again, no comment
Problem is, I like her! She's the sweetest professor there is! Seriously, people, I like her as a person. I just don't want her to teach me. I feel like shooting myself in her class. It takes a lot of effort and mental struggling to piece her words together so they actually make sense. Oh, well... I guess I have to suck it up until the end of the semester. *sigh*
Reemy, thanks for documenting;*
Bits and Pieces
The other day I went to Burger King on campus with Sou. The two phillipino worker ladies thought it was strange that a Kuwaiti is hanging out with a non-Kuwait. Umm.. Why?
I love hugging people. When I mean it ya3ni I never hug people I don't like;p
My enjoyment of coffee elevates in the winter. Can't wait;p
Today, I realized that I'm really into American Gothic literature.


Ok, this is a serious topic inspired by my American Literature class (thanks to K.P.). I have a question. Do you think humans (I refuse to use the word man) are perfectible or sophisticated animals (don't take it offensively, read the rest)? Yes, literature brings that question to mind. Now, I know that some writers have written about how humans are able to become almost perfect if they follow certain guidelines (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho, etc.). Others, (Charles Brockden Brown, Edgar Allen Poe, Jeffrey Eugenides, Charlotte Bronte, Orhan Pamuk, etc.) have written stories that somehow encourage the idea that humans are blinded by their instict. Which got me thinking that animals are blinded by instinct! Some animals eat their children when they are hungry. I understand that we do become beastly when we are put in situations that reduce us completely to our instict. I also understand that we can become poshlusty once we set our mind to it. I have an answer I'm very content with, but I prefer to keep it to myself. I want to know what you think. Are humans perfectible, or are they merely sophisticated animals?

Nov 6, 2007

Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them. You will see.

I didn't feel like doing all of Noufa's tag, but I'm 92% addicted to coffee. Surprised?

7araaam;( But it's funny;p Who doesn't like Green Eggs and Ham?

"I do so like

green eggs and ham!

Thank you!

Thank you,



Does anyone read Slate? If you don't, you should. They have a sense of humor. This tagline or whatever cracked me up: "How George Bush and Condoleezza Rice made a mess of Pakistan." Oh, and THIS is what I call an interesting article. No politics involved (not directly anyway).


I miss S ;(


El7emdillah. I think being happy is making me look prettier. I'm getting a lot of compliments, and it's good to know there are nice people (myself not included) out there. So, here's the thing: I'm trying to understand why I was never this happy. I couldn't really put my finger on it. Maybe there's no reason? I don't know why I'm this happy, and I don't know why I wasn't this happy before. And it frustrates me not being able to know! I'm not a miserable person, but I want to know why I've never been this happy. I decided that I shall be happy for no reason and to live happily ever after. I'll put it in different wording: I won't deal with people I don't like. I won't smile when I don't feel like it. I won't argue with my mom. I will pick my battles. I will avoid swearing as much as possible. I will do my best and praise myself for the results even if they're crap. I won't. I won't. I won't. I will. I will. I will. Happily ever after.

Sun shining, clear blue sky, birds chirping in the background;p

Nov 5, 2007

What? Oh, you mean childhood!

Okay, so what childhood? I do not remember watching cartoons. I do not remember owning barbies. I do not remember wearing puffy birthday dresses. I do not remember playing supermaket. I do not remember playing dress up. I do not remember walking around in my mother's heels. I do not remember wanting candy. I do not remember gerge3an. I do not remember my birthday parties. I do not remember wanting a pet. I do not remember having an imaginary friend. I do not remember liking to color or draw. I do not remember school concerts. I do not remember my PreK, KG1, and KG2 friends. I do not remember playing in the playground. I do not remember owning stuffed animals. I do not remember playing Snakes and Ladders. I do not remember playing Sega. I do not remember owning a kitchen set. I do not remember my teachers. I do not remember if I bullied or was bullied. I do not remember wanting to be anything when I grow up. I do not remember our neighbors. I do not remember caring about how I looked. I do not remember liking to go to the jam3eya. I do not remember copying my parents when they prayed. I do not remember questioning where I came from. I do not remember going through the "but why?" phase. I do not remember. I do not remember. I do not remember.

Here's what I do remember: I remember learning the colors and numbers in English before starting school. I remember singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Baba Blacksheep" in the balcony with my older brother. I remember dressing the same as my brother but in the girl version of the outfit. I remember falling in love with reading. I remember reading at a party at my aunt's house behind a couch while being looked for by the crowd. I remember mom giving me lipstick to wear for the school National Day dance which I did not enjoy. I remember my grandfather's house and how I used to sit on the stairs to watch the neighborhood. I remember breaking my arm because my evil cousin gave me roller skates too big for my feet. I remember my first two-piece bathing suit. I remember loving Rwaished as a kid. I remember dancing to Michael Jackson at 6. I remember my brother's Lion King birthday cake. I remember my parents buying us too many Disney movies. I remember my dad telling me how beautiful I am. I remember how old ladies pinched my cheek and gave me gum (which I do not eat even now). I remember my Babar the Elephant books. I remember ice cream and the beach.

I like my childhood memories. Sij ena when people talk about their childhood's I kind of feel like I'm lost.. But I love my childhood. I love knowing that it wasn't by the book. I love knowing that I didn't care for cartoons and candy. Yes, I sometimes want to know what my birthday's were like. No, it doesn't kill me not being able to remember:)

Nov 4, 2007

Love Today;*

We had a HAJS gathering (without S) today. It was great. Lots of me talking, H complaining (she's in architecture), and J being her usual light-hearted self. Bebe, I hope your neck feels better soon. The new addition to HAJS is... Chester:D Here are some photos:


Getting all pampered and purring in my lap, little rogue;*

J thought it would be cute if she wrapped him up in this plastic thing. I freaked out because he'd be suffocating, but I just had to take a pic!


Onto more serious issues, how funny is this?

I have more of those for later;)
I have the psycho lady's midterm tomorrow. I wonder how shocking the questions will be.. I did study. I don't know why, but I did. Thanks to F & K, I will probably be saved an hour or so before the test. Thanks, you guys. I seriously don't know what I would do without your help! I shall meet you @360;)
Did you see it coming from the fiery red? I absolutely hate it when people take advantage of me and 'yetma9le7oun'. I mean, what the hell? Sometimes, I give without expecting anything in return because the person is trying anf genuinely cares (or I like them;p). But if you're careless, offending, and do not even make the effort of asking instead of telling me what to do, then you won't get a bag of crap for me. You won't get anything! Save some face and run off somewhere. Geez. Oh, and do NOT thank me for the reality check. Don't need people like you in my life being polite when they don't know the basics of asking for ten favors. Yes, I'm ranting. No, my insanely happy mood is not gone. I will not let such imbeciles ruin my ecstatic skipping mood.
*sings "Took a ride to the end of the line, where no one ever goes. Ended up on a broken train with no body I know..."*
[UPDATE] A HUGE MAJOR MUCHO THANK YOU to F for saving my behind in today's midterm. K helped a teeny weeny bit. God forgive you! But F did enough, otherwise I'd be so mad at K (you need to thank me);p. The test was literally out of this world! Ambaaaiih madry mn wain that lady gets her questions. It was.. What's the word? Shocking? Gasp-wrenching? I don't know! Thank God for you guys!

Nov 2, 2007

You got a dangerous obsession

Blue Dress + Amu's Tag: Things I Want To Do Before I Die/Dream Tag

Have a library in my house
Fall head over heels in love (Hmm?)
Teach at KU
Read the list of books I've made for myself (K: I wanna know what happens;p)
Reach a spiritual level I am completely content with
Visit the Vatican
Be able to not disagree with my mom for a whole day
Try going a whole day without music
Attempt being nice to people I don't like
Make sure I keep HAJS forever

That's all I can think of for now.

I reached 1000 hits :D

Nov 1, 2007

Why don't you like yourself?

I shall write this post with the Mika album playing in the background. I'm wondering how it'll turn out. So, this is officially a Mika inspired post.
Amu + F, be nice;p

*singing "Grace Kelly"*
  • I've recently discovered that I don't like brushing my hair.
  • Measure for Measure is officially my second favorite Shakespearean play.
  • Everything is involved in politics.

*singing "My Interpretation"*

  • I feel cute today.
  • I have a wedding tonight. I don't feel like going. But I'm going.

*singing "Love Today"*

  • My dad is more overprotective these days. I find it cute.
  • Is there something wrong with one of Jack Savoretti's eyes?
  • Too much work for school this weekend.
  • I need a HAJS yam3a (without S because she ain't here)! H, fahamtay?!

*singing "Relax [Take it Easy]"*

  • Dedication: "There is an answer to the darkest times. It's clear. We don't understand it, but the last thing on my mind is to leave you. I believe that we're in this together. Don't scream. There are so many roads left." (You know who you are.)
  • Next week we get our place back in the department at school after it was conquered by Tarbeya people : + What's up with the dating couples hiding away in our place? Grrrrr!
  • I suddenly admire 7Q.

*singing "Billy Brown"*

  • Sou's right. No one will sing about gay men runing away to Mexico besides Mika.
  • I like being crazy and I like that I talk a lot!
  • I love myself a lot more than I did the last two weeks.

*singing "Big Girl [You Are Beautiful]"*

  • I wonder what the psycho prof is going to bring in our midterm next week.
  • I seriously need to finish My Name is Red and start The Secret.
  • I don't have superpowers.

*singing "Stuck in The Middle"*

  • I like being stuck in the middle in our family. I feel special and left out at the same time. Good balance;p
  • I didn't think I had a purple top in my wardrobe.

*singing "Happy Ending"*

  • N.'s collective poem thing is a great idea. I need to come up with something!
  • I'm still thinking whether or not I'm going to do Blue's tag.
  • This is a really good song!
  • I should get ready for the wedding now.

*singing "Ring Ring"*

  • My mother knows more than I think. She's always right!
  • Gold or misty green eyeshadow?
  • I haven't worn this kind of make up forever :
  • I'm emotionally pregnant (H, fehmay 3ad!).

*singing "Happy Ending [LA Edit]"*

  • Is wishing someone a little bit of heaven with a little bit of hell wishing them well?
  • It's a good thing the wedding is just around the corner.
  • I wonder if I'll ever be on Safat?

Okay, khalas I'm done. I need to talk some more to S and get ready for the wedding. I love the outfit I'm going to wear :D


[UPDATE] Okay, the wedding was great! I loved how I looked! The bride was SO cute, mashallah. The groom was.. well, if you have nothing nice to say, you shut up! Allah yhaneenhum :D.. My mom made me dance. I saw a lot of unexpected people that I know. It was interesting. One girl was wearing a VERY disturbing outfit. It had red, yellow, blue, and green transparent plastic circles linked together and overlapping.. Gosh! I don't know how to explain it. Overall, it was a good experience, but I didn't imagine myself walking to the kosha and sitting next to my unknown husband.