Feb 3, 2008


This week has been therapist week for me. I don't know why people come to me to vent, but I've been told that I'm a good listener. Therapy sessions bring me closer to people, so I'm actually benefitting from being the person they come to for a talk. I really do learn a lot. It helps me accept different people, and it helps with not being judgemental and all that. Anyways, this is what I learned this week: some men are really pigs. I have to share but objectively and without details.

Session #1 & #2:

A married couple is going through problems. Why? The husband's drunk close relative is calling him late at night or in the crack of dawn, and he refuses to answer because he doesn't want his wife to know that this person is a drinker. The wife thinks that he is messing around with other girls because he is avoiding picking up the phone when she is around.

Session #3:

She broke up with him, but she is not over him. He's moved on. She's jealous.

Session #4:

Her husband is avoiding her because he doesn't like her new look. He even makes negative comments on her new hair style, clothes, and what not which upset her greatly.

Session #5:

She comes across her ex, and it's not a nice experience.

Session #6:

She doesn't understand why her husband wouldn't let her go on a road trip with her aunts, uncles, and cousins for one day.

Session #7:

They ended it years ago. He's still after her, but she doesn't want him because she never wanted to be more than friends in the first place. He won't give up.

Session #8:

His parents' relationship is troubled, and he's taking out on his wife.

So, anyone want to hire me?


um-miT3ib said...


waiih edaadlich wala;p

Amethyst said...

3asa ma ta3awartay?

Mu ygoloun etha sheftay balawi ghairech et`houn your balawi? ;)

suspic said...

Where's the couch, wila nitrb3?

You have a lot of married friends, beginning to understand why you're not into marriage.

Hand out free razors at your therapy clinic. Or guns with blank bullets, that'd be hilarious.

arch96madi said...

ok.. those stories are just scary!!
i totally need details!! even if i have to squeeze them out of u!!!!!:p
luv u

Unknown said...

Allah ekon fe 3onhom all..

Anonymous said...

Yes yes :)

I neeed u therapist :)

Soud said...

i want more :)

Kaileena said...

Women are needy, Men are relatively shallow. end of story

do0da said...

yay il hand u over my client list :P mines slightly overbooked

haj said...

H is right, you're telling us details even if we have to squeeze it out of you ;p

Amethyst said...

You pick. There's the floor, an arm chair, a sofa, and a bed;p

I'm into marriage. I'm not into stupid men:)

Lol! I like the guns with blank bullets;)

Will do;*

Allah yesma3 menek:)

7ayach Allah. E-mail me;)



Lol! I don't see, overbooked to you?

Lol! Okay;p

Purgatory said...

No, unless there is free food

Amethyst said...

Not surprised;p

Anonymous said...

Wow thats alot of issues in your head in 1 week...How about you open an office for consultation :D ?

Amethyst said...

I'd rather stick to Literature;p

Anonymous said...

fet7eeelich 3eyada =p

Amethyst said...

Lol! Elmafrooth arba7 mn wara 3awar elras;p

Tasneem Abul said...

I'll hire you...
session 9:
Someone's drifting away and i dont know how to stop them :(

ill pay with extra shots of coffee :P
...and ill throw in a mudcake if you bring me a couch! ;p

Amethyst said...

Actually, one of our friends has got me to cut down on the coffee. I'm down to 4 mugs now;p

As for the person who is drifting away, talk to them. Keep in touch, and if they don't respond positively, then they are not worth it. If you feel like you need more than these few lines, let me know:)

P.S. I miss you;*

Tasneem Abul said...

*siigh* thanks for the words of advice babes ;) yeah you couldn't be more right...
lol 7adda you're worth giving a mudcake to! :P
and congrats on the lower dosage of coffee...we're all rooting for you! ;p
P.S. see ya tomorrow inshallah... im dreading it and excited at the same time, lol is that normal! ;)

Amethyst said...

Lol.. All will be well:)

Hehe, yeah but I'm EVUL without coffee;\

Cia, it's normal;p

Anonymous said...

u were always a good lisenter mn ayaaam highschool ;*

Amethyst said...

Thanks, babe;*