Feb 18, 2008

*Rolls Eyes*

No finger pointing, I HATE how discussions on Mughniah and Hezballah are going. Will people calm down and respect each other's opinions?! ;S


I don't know why, but lately, I don't feel like I've been appreciating my friends and telling them I love them like I used to. I'm feeling a bit strange these days. So, HAJS, A, Aj, R, and my jam3a buddies, you guys are the best. 7adi a7ebkum;*


I'm such a hug person. For those of you who think I'm cold and don't have feelings, maybe I just don't like you. Anyway, so I hug my friends when I see them for the first time that day. Sometimes, when I hug someone, and someone I don't know that well or don't like very much is with them, I choose not to hug them. Ya3ni mala da3i I get all huggy with someone I don't like. So, is that rude? Hugging someone and greeting someone else with them with a mere "Hi"? I seriously can't hug people I don't like. I have issues. A7es ena I'm making them feel that I like them when I really don't. So, 3adi sa7?


Anonymous said...

nothing more gratifying in life than a good hug!

Amethyst said...


The Simper said...

so.. who are "HAJS, A, Aj, and R" are they the ones u don't appreciate anymore or the new jam3a buddies ;)?

just teasin ;p

haj said...

min9ijich? 7ADA 3adee!! THATS called NOT two faced ;p

cuz when you do act like you like them then they hear from someone else that you don't, they'd be like "then why the hell are you a two faced and act like you like me and then say that you don't?" ... and all know we don't want that ;p

Amethyst said...

The Simper
Lol! I appreciate them all. I just don't show it because I'm a witch;p

LOL! I love the way you look at things;p

Yeah, I know. Except that I don't tell people I don't like a person. I keep it to myself;p

F. said...

We love you too Sweetie ;*

I'm telling you people...no one gives a hug like this girl here! Thanks for being there Amethyst.

I totally know what you mean...you SO don't have to be pressured to hug anyone you don't want to hug...and they'll understand, trust me.

haj said...

ok then you've got absolutly no problems :P

Amethyst said...


Hehe, *blush* you're very welcome;*

I hope so!


Anonymous said...

a9lan the other person will feel awkward if you hugged them in such situation lol.. unless its utterly spontaneous

Oranjina fadidra said...

I agree with skinny ;p

suspic said...

If they're bear hugs, then you're one passionate girl. Breaking ribs and stuff..

falantan said...

3aaade mafeha ai shai.

hug who you like,
pretend air kiss who you don't like so much.

totally your choice.

Anonymous said...

haw shako rude? hugheggay illi tabeen lol

Anonymous said...

Fuck Politics!!

Amethyst said...

Skinny Bumblebee
Except they don't. I got a "why do you only hug her?" remark;\

Oranjina Fadidra
Read comment above;p

No, they aren't bear hugs;p


Hatha eli ga3ed y9eer (Y)


um-miT3ib said...

التحالف الوطني الديمقراطي ينقل ندوته من مقره غلى جمعية الخريجين اليوم 7 مساء بسبب سوء الاحوال الجوية
ياريت لو تنتشرون الخبر .. و شكرا

i dont hug.. anyone ;p unless its a very sad or extremely happy occasion ;p

Amethyst said...

Um Miti3b
Yeah, SMS!

Lol! I do:)