Feb 11, 2008


Hal mara sij Hearts and Flowers. Introducing... Muffy Cake's Love Edition;)

My favorite are the cookies, the fudge ball brownies, and Charming;p


Nymphadora said...

I think i'm falling in love with your blog ;D :D :D
i don't know why this year i can't feel love in the air ;p
i think i need to fall in love with some one, or something ! i don't know
hook me up with some one would you :P

Amethyst said...

Lol! Aaawww, thank you;*

There is no love in the air, so that's why you can't feel it;p

I'll hook you up when I hook myself up;)

Anonymous said...

Mind if I add this to Paper Dump? :]

Amethyst said...

Of course not! Add it, I'm sure Muffy would be very grateful;D

Anonymous said...

Great :D

F. said...

Ever since you gave me the menu for Muffy's I've always wanted to try their stuff...just never had the chance to yet...
I'll definately try them soon..I'll let you know what everyone thinks :)

Amethyst said...


It's so worth it. Please update me;D

P.S. Try the layer cake.. I think it's called Choco Marsh Torta de Capa. I'm in love with it;p