Dec 22, 2007

A Little Less Conversation

Like the Elvis song...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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Anyway, is self-discovery BS?! I, for one, don't think so. A conversation between an acquaintance and I watched by four other people in silence went something like this:

Me: All the books I've read help me in some way... I don't know. I guess I read more for enjoyment than anything else, but on the side, whatever I read affects me somehow..

S: Almost all books that are out nowadays involve self-discovery and finding out who you are.. That's just BS!

Me: But don't you think that you should know who you are?

S: Why does it matter?

Me: Who are you?

S: I'm Flana ElFlaneya. I go to *insert name of school*. I have # brother(s) and # sister(s). I-

Me: Wait. Why are you linking your identity to other things? I mean.. Who are you? is a question that should be answered with an answer not used to answer other questions. *She's confused* Sorry, I mean what you just said is a series of answers to a series of questions like: What's your name? Where did you go to school? etc.

S: Then, what answer should be for the Who are you?

Me: I don't know. I guess it depends on the person. Wai3, a7es ga3ed atfalsaf.

S: Hahahaha, la sij.. Shloun ya3ni?

Me: Madry, yemkin when you know who you are, you'll know what you want from the world. When you answer the question you'd be like: I am a woman who is here to...

S: Makes sense.

Me: Does it?

*Insert laughter*

Me: So, is it still BS?!

S: No, but we're all lost.

Me: I'm not. I know who I am and what I want. I figured that out earlier, thanks to A.

S: Really? Should I go meditate?

Me: Hahaha, madry.. I don't know.

*Conversation shifts to Yoga and Pilates*

I believe that knowing who you are and what you want makes a difference, but is that self-discovery? What is self-discovery? Is it BS?!

I've answered these questions. I want to know what you think. Have your say...


haj said...
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haj said...

People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.
~Thomas Szasz

Amethyst said...

So, you quote when you don't know what to say? That's so cute!

I kind of disagree with the quote. You do create yourself, but you also find it in you.

haj said...

well im not gona disagree with u ;p .. haha (no opinion whatsoever)

Amethyst said...

I have this huge grin on my face;p

Purgatory said...

I did not get the post, but enjoyed the cartoon ;p

Amethyst said...

Lol, at least you got something, yeah?

Unknown said...

You don't find yourself. You know yourself, then you create your path. No, that is not BS because in this day and age if you do not know yourself, if you do not create your own path, people will create it for you, and you have to accept it just the way it is.

Amethyst said...
