Jan 10, 2008

حبيتك لنسيت النوم

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

A very good friend of mine sent me this, and it totally cracked me up. Look at his face when he says "...and now you're back, from outerspace!" and "...walk out the door!" Priceless;p


I recently finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. It's a good book, but not a must-read. The women in the book are strong women, but I have mixed feelings towards them. The men are pathetic and annoying. Sij ena when you go after someone, they don't give you face, and when you ignore them, they run after you. Zeman ta3ban..

Now, I'm reading Lolita. Humbert Humbert (HH) is just BLEKH! He's on my nerves because of how perverted he is! I mean, doesn't he understand that nine year old girls aren't aware of seduction?! The guy needs a reality check. Psychopath:@


The break between last day of class and first day of finals feels like a holiday. I've been out everyday. I feel guilty that I haven't studied, but then again, I need to relax before I devour my notes. Right? *raises eyebrow*


Purgatory said...

You should watch the Stanley Kubrick movie with the same name.

suspic said...

I just realized your comment box is telling me to spit. A bit weird..

Going out everyday is bad! I always have 5 or so days before each exam and that gives me time to get a full mark, but instead I'm finding every little reason to go out.

"Oooh! A cloud! I should go out, beaitful weather. Only comes once a year!!"

SHIT! 9lat elyim3a!!!


haj said...

hahaha i lovved the video!
Isn't that from the show Everyone hates .. umm .. nisait isma ;p

Amethyst said...

Will give it a shot:)

LOL! And the epiphany begins..;p

It's from Friday After Next;p

do0da said...

those days are given so that u go out and not study :P think about it they gave u a whole semester to study so those last couple of days are best used sleeping in and then goin out :P

oo and the clip is from the show everybody hates chris.

Amethyst said...

Hehe, yeah! I'm starting to study today;p

Sij? 3abali from Friday After Next.. Who cares? It's still funny;p

Anonymous said...

loooooooool for the video

Haj:; i guess its every body hates chris ?!

Amethyst said...


It is, as do0da mentioned:)

haj said...

yeahhh thats what it was Everybody hates Chris ;p

Amethyst said...


Anonymous said...

lool! to get a grown man to make such a fool out of himself for an amount of money is a human characteristic I can never understand

Amethyst said...

Hehehe! It's for us to laugh at;p