Jan 26, 2008


Hi back. No, it's not okay. Nothing you say is important.

You know what else isn't okay? The fact that you keep coming back when you should've realized by now that you're unwanted. I did so much for you. All you did was bring me down. What is it that you want now? Can't you understand that there's nothing between us? All our memories are forgotten. I used to be able to remember every situation and how I felt. Now, they are simply nothing. I have no memories. I have an empty space in my life when it comes to you. You're nothing, basically. An empty space you won't be able to fill again no matter what you do.

I'm choosing to ignore you. Have some dignity and leave me alone.

Come on now, who do you think you are?

Bless your soul,

You really think you're in control..