Dec 16, 2007


Have you all heard about Q8Books? It's a little book store which sells new and used books. The place is the coziest thing with ground to ceiling shelves lined with books, books, books, and more books! I got dizzy just looking. I wanted to buy almost everything! Heaven.. Oh, and the Christmas theme was cute but not overdone. Stockings, carols, wreaths, etc. Jacob, the guy who works/owns the place is so friendly. I got two books and more to come. I'm definitely going there again. All the information can be found here.


I've discovered that I cannot sleep well if I miss someone very much;\


After not being able to find a decent video of "I Think I Love You" by The Partridge Family, I decided to post this one.


Anonymous said...

He killed the song ! i like the studio version better !

Amethyst said...

I like the studio version better, but I felt like posting this one. The words are clearer here:)

Whiskey said...

Simply- UN.miss them!

haj said...

you and books .. ;p

Anonymous said...

Bluuntii ;D *sigh*

Amethyst said...

No can do. Not that simple.

You.. and Chester;)

Hehe.. I don't find him hot;p

Anonymous said...

5ooooosh kalemat 9ara7a !

Amethyst said...


Anonymous said...

li-hal daraja walhana 3alay =F

Amethyst said...
